In the beginning...
When Mike originally setup these forums (to replace the previous, broken ones he couldn't fix), he included this little feature called Karma. Originally it was "Props" (+) and "Smite" (-), which he later changed to "Howl" and "Growl" respectively, to fit more with the theme.
Though it's been discussed numerous times over the years, there was only one instance of Karma ever being "reset" to zero. It has never been deactivated altogether. There have been a handful of times where individual accounts were administratively adjusted (either with or without the player's knowledge), usually to avoid hurt feelings (this is a game, after all) over horribly skewed Karma. I share Andrew's sentiments that it is a silly and fun thing, not necessarily meant to be taken (entirely) seriously, though I think I would be a little sad if I had to disable it out of concern for peoples' ability to handle the (minuscule) social implications.
@Shonn: You can always PM me with the details (who) of your error, and I can correct it administratively, lest it be keeping you awake nights. You could also give two Howls in the Growl's place. It wouldn't remove the Growl, but would essentially cancel it out and net one Howl instead.