Rage Across the Cape
Out of Character => OOC Discussion => Archived OOC Posts => Topic started by: Dex on January 01, 2009, 11:17:45 PM
Because it was requested...
Enjoy; I know I did!
That was awesome!
what i think is even more funny is, my work blocked this site
Tasteless was the reason given
I loved the second comment at the end. (Prissy girlie voice) "It is NOT OK to make fun of Twilight!!!!!" *huff huff huff*
Dude, you want hilarity? Read the reader comments for the book on Amazon.
And a little more: http://www.jinx.com/women/shirts/geek/buffy_staked_edward_womens.html?catid=79&cs=2&csd=79
I want this shirt more than I have ever wanted anything in my entire life. As I am a Buffy Fangirl. And an avid member of the We Hate Twilight Club.
I am one of the few untainted, having neither read the book nor seen the movie, but this makes me so happy that I haven't:
Hey Strikes...
Buffy fangirl? Are you picking up Season 8 from DarkHorse? What do you think?
Any interest in Buffy and/or Willow statues? They're currently on sale at my store.
Buy one... get the other for 50% off.
And we still have a box of the 10th anniversary cards.
Just saying....
*pimping his store since August 2007*
Don't do this to me, Mike. You already tortured me with the autographed copy of Those Left Behind.
Only if it's hand delivered. :)
I will send it via UPS. It will be hand delivered.
Just not my hand.
... <explodes in a gout of logic>
I am sad to admit that I read the series and actually liked them. That doesn't mean I think they are good, no they are cheesy predictable pieces of fluff, but sometime I like that. And I get what makes teenage girls relate so much to them, if I were a teenager I might have been obsessed too.
Instead I just liked the fluff and the cheese. Harry Potter still holds my obsession, well Harry and the Muppets.
As well the Muppets should... as well they should!
Fun stuff (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.tamathy.com/edwardxs2.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.tamathy.com/journal/%3Fpage_id%3D291&usg=__uIn9sgulOveJ7KF0OSQ_cwDaG8Y=&h=100&w=100&sz=10&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=09IVxxsScyWvIM:&tbnh=82&tbnw=82&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dedward%2Bcullen%2Bmaybelline%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4DKUS_enUS253US254%26sa%3DN)
Especially the Maybelline image!
from www.fmylife.com
Today, my girlfriend dumped me proclaiming she wanted someone more like her "Edward". I asked her who Edward was. She held up a copy her "Twilight" book. She was talking about a fictional vampire. FML
Also, from that link comes this one, which is amazing: http://twilightsucks.proboards81.com/index.cgi?board=fangirls&action=display&thread=6285
One of the other awful things about this, speaking as a bookseller, are the disgusting imitations/-ors!
I was in a mall the other day and walked past a Hot Topic out in front they had a tee-shirt that said I Heart Boys that Sparkle. It took me a moment to realize they were referring to Twilight.
When I think of Sparkly boys I don't think vampires, I think of something very different.
I think of shot boys in skimpy underwear
I think of the Village Halloween parade in NY, and the majority of the Wagner musical theater majors.
Don't do this to me, Mike. You already tortured me with the autographed copy of Those Left Behind.
*anger/jealousy* Someone has an autograph copy of Those Left Behind that they are selling and they didn't tell me!? *cries* That is just evil!
Harass Mike Porter!
i LOVE the books and the movie and if you read the books then maybe you would of understood the movie but since obviously all you have time to do is make fun of people ..you didnt and Stephenie Meyer is great and it was her first book she ever finished herself so get off her back jerk ...and i really hope you feel bad for saying all those bad things about her when you were a loser ...i mean someone obviously hurt you in high school for you to be making fun of successfull people.... i guess you cant help your jealous ..and have done nothing with your life
This quote is amazing, hey back off because this book was the authors first she finished all by herself.... Like a toddler learning to use the toilet, except well the toilet serves a purpose other than making people laugh.
Also check this one out.
The only thing I know about Twilight is that it's obsessive readers are morons, not because of their like of the books but because they are just not people with any common sense. I stopped at a book store one day to pick up a couple Manga to sooth my stress and I accidentally walked into a Twilight convention. There was a midnight release of one of the following book, it was nine at night and the store was already packed with fans.
It was bad enough that they were crawling all over the store, but they were LAYING down in the aisles. Not just the side aisles either, I am talking main walkways. That and those who were actually standing and walking around had no concept of where they were, I got walked into 6 times. They actually got insulted when I started kicking their legs and pretended to stomp on them so that I could get back to the front of the store.
It is very hard not to wish you could truly shift into crinos form and gut all of them in that kind of environment. XD
Yeah well the Harry Potter fans are the same. I do however refuse to read Twilight on account of I'm afraid of turning into an angsty 13 year old ugly girl who lusts after sparkle vampires.
I freely admit that I went to a release party for the last HP book, but Border's wisely closed its doors after 9 and only let people who were there for the party in.
I read the Twilight books and have yet to revert to an angsty 13 year old girl lusting after sparkling vampires. I do however have issues with the casting of Jacob, in the poster I saw he is the palest pure blooded Native American I have ever seen. I mean whiter then me and I am pretty damn white.
*shrugs* Also I make it a point never to see or read anything while its cool.