Author Topic: Metis on vacation  (Read 1727 times)

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Offline Taweret

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Metis on vacation
« on: January 28, 2008, 03:07:09 PM »
It happens sometimes. :)

Alice is getting put onto a shelf. No fear! 'Tis only for about a week.

What does this mean? I have two PCs in the game. Only one can be truly active at a time, earning exp and renown and the like. Currently a situation has come up that absolutely demands the attention of my Silent Strider, and so I have to pull her off the shelf. As two PCs cannot be active at the same time, Alice will go inactive for a short time.

But Alice holds a position! Yes, she does. And she also has a Beta. While she's away, any and all things that would previously require Alice's attention on a Ritemaster level will now go to NV.

What if I need her for something else? I am allowed to soft-RP Alice on our boards. She is not in the Caern or on the Bawn, but she's only a phone call away. I can't see why anyone would need her on a personal level, but the option is there.

But she's abandoning her post! No, she isn't. She's clearing her absence with the Alpha, Beta, and the NV. And, so long as Patrick agrees, all will be well.

Where will she be? She will be attending to Pack Matters. Yes! She has one. Imagine that. :)

What about the scenes she's already in? The few scenes she's already in can continue as normal. They took place before I shelved her, so there's no reason for her to poof out of existance in the middle of several scenes.

If anyone else has any questions, please let me know.
Taweret 'Ascends the Glass Tower'
Athro Homid Silent Strider Galliard
Beta of 'Curators of the Quiet Road' under Peregrine Falcon