Author Topic: Mike Leitao and Philadelphia  (Read 1231 times)

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Mike Leitao and Philadelphia
« on: December 06, 2007, 07:43:26 AM »
[Wanted my players aware of what has happened before they hear it through the grapevine]

As many have heard, Philadelphia R:PG has issued me a chronicle strike.

I would like to full detail my side of the story for the Council members and ST's who now show concern with me and my candidacy for CBC.

My character challenged the HST of R:PG's character for the rank of Athro.
He failed at his challenge.
There was in-character arguments based on the challenge and a difference of opinion among the garou, big surprise.
The scene because of real life issues screamed to a halt.
I saw the opportunity to have a nation wide discussion on the topic that would drive role playing on the national level.
This was a mistake on my behalf to not wait for the scene to be finished.
I didn't do this to metagame, I don't really even see how going to the nation to discuss the topic would be metagaming.
I certainly had no chance to convince the HST that my character didn't fail the challenge.
On the national level the ST running the scene decided to use his PC against my PC.
This created a perception by me that the ST staff of R:PG was railroading me.

In the meantime the scene continued on the boards, my character used the gift Seeds of Doubt on the Master of Challenges.
Perfectly acceptable thing for a shadow lord to do.
Some characters in the scene were given the chance to tell a gift was used, also acceptable.
Then the scene froze again.

In the meantime I created a new character believing full well that my character had a very good chance of dying in this scene.
When the ST involved his PC, my perception of the scene changed and I felt I was being cheated.
I certainly didn't mind losing the character as this wouldn't be the first time I lost an Adren level character on some other games boards.
The HST's character closed the challenge stating it was over and ordered Brody off the mound.
I had my character leave.  I signed out of their boards.
After I had done that the ST running the scene, who I felt was cheating, tried to stop me because other PC's wanted to have actions.
One of the PC's was the ST's girlfriend continuing to make me feel like I was being cheated.

John the ST in question contacted me and we came to a resolution that suited both sides.
Here is the email.

I have come up with a solution that is fair to you and the other players. The actions that were taken to keep you from leaving the sept fail. This means that you may not have used the moon bridge, but I don't think that matters. You storm off knowing full well ICly that the alpha of the sept was speaking to you and you ignored her. It will move forward IC from there.
The mistake came of your actions of posting to the list before the scene was finished. However I should have waited also to post as Xavier. I HATE the forums and all ways have, they create continuty issues that make me want to pull out my hair. Philly staff in no way trying to cheat you OOC.
I hate to see you not involved in our game over this misunderstanding. Both you and I made mistakes here.. I have admitted mine and fixed it.

I agreed to this with John and figured the scene behind us and expected to move forward with punishment etc.
My character took a severe renown hit due to his actions in this scene.
The Alpha of the Sept also continued to contact my character after this to setup a meeting to discuss what happened.

I don't feel I have done anything unethical, nor did I metagame.
I did jump the gun with the national lists but the intent never was to cheat.

Please let me know if there are any questions.