Author Topic: There's a Monster In the Woods  (Read 2888 times)

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There's a Monster In the Woods
« on: April 01, 2010, 02:28:07 AM »
Quotes from a scene with the Cavalry in which they investigate some strange goings on in the Freetown Woods:

Jerry: <The Wyld is kinda creepy>
Dominic: <Everything is, in some way. Well, no. The Wyrm is a lot creepy, these days.>
Damien: <It is the force of possibility.  It can be anything.>
Jerry: <How about "not creepy"?  Think it can manage that one?>

Jerry: <Hey, guys.  I found a blood puddle.  Bloodle.  Whatever.>

(Rather abruptly and in the middle of a conversation)
Dominic: <Guys. Peek.>
Damien: <That's a dinosaur...>
Dominic: <That's what I thought.>
Dominic: <Um.>
Damien: <I think we shouldn't try to cross here. I also think we shouldn't get too close to the thing that changes things into other things. Do you think we should try talking to the thing?>
Slow-On-The-Uptake (aka Jerry): <WHOA!  A DINOSAUR!  That's freaking cool!>
Damien: <Should I try talking to it?>
Jerry: <DUDE!  Maybe this leads to Pangaea!  Scrabbles said there were dinosaurs there, right?
Dominic: <I think deciding whether or not to talk to the scary Wyld thing is entirely a theurge job. I leave it in your capable paws.>
Dominic: <Maybe. But we wouldn't know how to get back, so let's avoid finding out.>
Damien: <Ok, I am going to try talking to it.  I think we should be ready to run.>
Dominic:: <... Okay.>
Jerry: <Crap, man.  It's a freaking dinosaur.  Ain't no running away from no dinosaur.  Didn't you see Jurassic Park?  No.  No, of course you didn't.  Man...>

Dominic: <It's not sentient, so it seems unlikely it's here for no reason. Unless there's more you'd like to investigate, we're heading back to....What the?>
Dominic: <We're now finding a safe place to cross.> He turns and walks a ways away from the thing that should not be.
Jerry: <What the what?  What the WHAT?  You can't just say "What the...?">  Jerry says as he follows the alpha.

Distractions: Bone Gnawer Style!
Jerry steps closer to the beast, growling in the guttural Garou tongue, "Yo momma's so fat, when she goes to the beach, Greenpeace tries to drag her back into the ocean!"

Jerry: <Yo man, call it what you want, but your deed name is gonna be "Stinks-To-High-Heaven" if it doesn't go away soon.>
Dominic: <If it is, you're going to have to take Speaks Without Words more seriously. But I don't think you want to lose your tongue again.>

Jerry continues holding his breath and tries to Quickly slip a claw in under the creature's guard, while simultaneously thinking of how badass it would be to create a metal velociraptor with heat vision
ST: (Paper again.) And, I kid you not, a metal velociraptor with heat vision springs OUT OF NOWHERE and begins charging Damien. Oh. And it's claws appear to be made out of silver.
Jerry: ...oops

Mac: (Weaver Mokoles? That's just wrong, dude.)
Mac: (And badass. But wrong. Though they are kinda like databases...)

Damien: <Stop thinking about strange things, it will come true!>
Jerry: <Dangit, I can't help it>
Dominic: <... You were thinking about a metal dinosaur?>

Jerry bounds up to the robot dinosaur from behind, attempting to spot the emergency shut-off switch that he OF COURSE included at the base of the tail
ST: (Give me an Alertness chop.)
ST: (You always fail these.)
Jerry: Whatever.  10 traits, rock
ST: (Failed. I'll give you an overbid though.)
Jerry: Rock
ST: (... Paper ._.)
Jerry: (NOOOOO oh well)
ST: (Retest it came from your imagination?)
Jerry: YES
Jerry: Rock
ST: (ROCK!) Jerry spots the button!

Jerry: <Whew.  Always include an emergency shutdown button.>
ST: (You have Perfect Recall, what do you need a picture for?)

Dominic looks disappointed as he stops glowing.
Jerry: <It's only fair, I didn't get to keep my dinosaur.>
Dominic: <Your dinosaur tried to maul Damien.>
Jerry: <Your silver glowiness almost Rended the Veil.  Which of these is against the Litany?>

Remember kids:
The Wyld is kinda creepy.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2010, 02:38:08 AM by Kat (Narrator) »

Offline JamesLee

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Re: There's a Monster In the Woods
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2010, 09:24:47 AM »
"I think we shouldn't try to cross here" etc. was Dominic.

I don't have the log, and thus can't find a way to quote "And then the pack got distracted from their mission by a cute Wyld spirit, causing Dominic to lose his shoes." But for some reason causing Silver Fangs minor indignities amuses me.
"Alone we traveled on with nothing but a shadow.
We fled, far away."

Offline Sam Kinkade

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Re: There's a Monster In the Woods
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2010, 01:56:18 PM »

So need to run with the calvery sometime....or, ya know, fly.
Sam "Doesn't Brake for Wyrm" Kinkade
Metis Bonegnawer Ahroun, Cliath of the Nation
Beta of the Junkyard Dogs under Trashheap

Has indigo hair with two white stripes.  Translates to Indigo Fur with two white stripes in all other forms.