Out of Character > Archived Rules Discussions

Fur Gnarl (proposed)

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Conor (Former ST):
This is an idea we're kicking around for a MET implementation of Fur Gnarl.  It strikes me as a) expensive and b) still totally worth it in a lot of circumstances, which means it's about right.

Step 1 - Make a hole:  Spend physical traits equal to the levels of DR you're trying to remove.  Then make a regular close-combat challenge versus your target.  Succeed, and your packmates (and you) can move on to step 2.  Fail, and you (or someone else) must re-attempt step 1.  Either way, you've spent some traits.  

Step 2 - ???: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tO5sxLapAts

Step 3 - Profit: Any packmate can make a physical challenge to attack the weak spot.  Bid extra traits equal to the amount of removed armor as you attempt to hit the weak spot.  Succeed, and you deal DR-ignoring damage.  Fail, and you've lost an unusually high number of traits.

Caveats: Ranged weapons can't be used in step 1.  You are your own packmate, and may use this solo even if you have no pack totem.  Like all pack tactics, you must have the tactic on your sheet in order to use it.  Crafty opponents may take actions to hide their weak spot from you by putting it up against a wall or something.  Anything that causes your target to heal significant damage (Mother's Touch, multiple rounds of healing without weak-spot attacks) is likely to close the hole on targets that have inherent armor, like scales.

Once we finalize our house rule, anyone wishing they hadn't bought it will be allowed to un-spend their XP on it.

Nike 'Slays the Patriarchy' Strilakos:
um... what happened with how we were using it before?  i.e. you have to have at least a packmate there, you do a physical challenge to get the thing going, if you succeed, you have a weak spot, if you fail whatever.  if you succeed, next attacks by you and packmates bypass the DR... 

no spending of a billion traits all at once.  i mean your proposal makes it so that if something has DR 3, i spend 3 traits, and then bid 4 traits to bypass this thing you just SPENT traits to get rid of.  this is kinda nuts.

Matt (HST):
The spending and bidding of extra traits is meant to represent the increased difficulty of striking exactly the same spot, and to acknowledge that DR is very powerful and shouldn't be trivially removable by a 1 XP pack tactic. Something with DR 3 is basically immune to gunfire and Garou claws - even Razor Claws - and being able to bypass that defense is Kind of a Big Deal. On the other hand, something with DR 1 may not even be worth it to Fur Gnarl, or maybe it is, depending on the situation.

Nonetheless, if the player base by and large feel that the presented option is too harsh or costly and that they wouldn't use it, that is good information.

Conor (Former ST):

--- Quote from: Nike 'Strikes with Falcon's Wings' Strilakos on July 13, 2015, 02:39:53 PM ---um... what happened with how we were using it before?
--- End quote ---

I don't think we had a thing before.  Certainly we've never, that I know of, had anything published or documented.

In general, I think "Bid 1 trait to do 1 extra damage on hit" is a pretty good option, and that's about what this boils down to.  Certainly I'd take bidding extra traits over "you cannot inflict damage at all."

Nike 'Slays the Patriarchy' Strilakos:
except it is spend a trait, then bid an extra trait to try to do a normal amount of damage.

we had something, i had the tactic on my sheet for a previous character *shrug*


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