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House Rules & Rules Discussions / Re: Oh Dear, True Fear
« Last post by Seven Mountains on March 15, 2017, 02:35:07 PM »
For what it's worth, being cornered is a Rage trigger. In many games I have participated in the house rule was that True Fear had no impact on a Garou either in a Fox or Rage Frenzy as they are already gripped by an emotion far greater (Gaia's Anger / Primodial Fear for preservation) and thus would be unaffected.

I agree True Fear should be a Non-Combat gift frankly. It's actually designed for those silly Ahroun who actually want to preserve the Veil / avoid massive slaughter and instead control a situation by locking down an adversary and forcing them to hear their own heartbeat for a time.

Sadly it's transitioned into a version of Paralyzing Stare which is frankly not what it's designed to be and is weak sauce. No Ahround should need to hit a bone cold statue to prove they are an Ahroun.
House Rules & Rules Discussions / Re: Oh Dear, True Fear
« Last post by Carter Heyward on March 15, 2017, 09:42:51 AM »
I always feel the qualifier in regards to the use of this Gift on non-humans/supernaturals means it just doesn't work as well on them at all, and that there is leeway here that one may fight, that is, they were thinking of the flight/fight response and wrote a power accordingly. The language they use isn't great (which is true of WW in general), but that's because the theory of WW is that story is king and powers and mechanics can (and should) be houseruled on the spot when conflicts come up.

I would love it to be flight/fight, as seems appropriate in context.
House Rules & Rules Discussions / Re: Oh Dear, True Fear
« Last post by Lars Nielsen on March 15, 2017, 08:02:11 AM »
I would think running or hiding would always be more appropriate than charging for True Fear, but I could see someone in melee striking back.
House Rules & Rules Discussions / Re: Oh Dear, True Fear
« Last post by Travis West on March 14, 2017, 05:52:44 PM »
Exactly. Cornered animal mentality. If they get attacked while true fear is in effect, they make an assessment as to fleeing or fighting makes the most sense, per their character.

An Elder BSD for instance knows that the cliath glasswalker that just used true fear on him is just going to shoot him in the back for six rounds as he runs, so obviously the only way for him to survive is to fearfully and savagely attack him. Sorta like that.
Hmm. I can totes see that...  like can attack if unable flee?
House Rules & Rules Discussions / Oh Dear, True Fear
« Last post by Travis West on March 14, 2017, 04:48:33 PM »
So I was thinking about how bustedly powerful True Fear is, but I think theres room in the language for a different interpretation.

TT rules state:
"...He may defend himself if attacked and otherwise act normally, although his actions will likely be guided by fear."

And MET rules state:
"The target can defend against attacks and otherwise act normally (or as normally as possible when gripped with terror)."

If we interpret the term "defend" in terms of "Self Defense" it is entirely possible a target under the effects of true fear may be able to attack if attacked, ESPECIALLY if cornered or retreat looks more dangerous than the alternative of fighting.

Just a thought: Gifts which can shut down aggressive actions while you by wailed on is more the province of intermediate or advanced powers, ESPECIALLY given True Fear is physical vs willpower (doubled).
Archived Rules Discussions / Re: Party Pooper (Suggestions)
« Last post by Travis West on December 16, 2016, 05:51:11 AM »
That's my warleader... :D
... if you think i didn't think about a prip to deal with the cyber realm stuff to take advantage of it... and then i decided i dont hate matt...
Archived Rules Discussions / Re: Party Pooper (Suggestions)
« Last post by Travis West on December 14, 2016, 03:17:44 PM »
OMG super fun. We should have had to foresight to raid malfeas when the old rule was in play.
i think the updates Matt posted state already that Spirit ward doesn't stack... cause that was ridiculous.  i mean, it was fun, but kinda nuts.

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