« Last post by Matt (HST) on June 09, 2016, 09:07:44 PM »
Specific Gift Rulings Continued
The Gift: Sense Magic works as written in Laws of the Wild, Revised pg 147. Sense Magic can also detect “spiritual”, “otherwordly”, and “changeling” magics in line with detecting the difference between “Gaian” and “blood magic” as stated on pg 147.
The Gift: Sense the Unnatural works as follows: Sense the Unnatural can detect both active magical effects and the presence of supernatural creatures. Spending no traits gives only a vague sensory impression - old blood, stale air, etc. Spending one Mental Trait gives more data. You must spend two Mental Traits to identify a specific creature type (vampire, Wyrm-spirit, True Mage, etc.) and to 'confirm' that the thing you are sensing is a thing you've previously sensed. Note that this Gift STILL does not differentiate between, say, a Wraith, a place that is haunted by Wraiths, and a Wraith's Consort - all will just smell 'like Wraith.'
The Gift: Call of the Wyrm works as follows: Call of the Wyrm can be used either as means to lure out all Wyrm creatures or target a specifically known Wyrm-creature by spending Socials after successfully finding the creature in question
Spirit Challenges and Retests
The rules given in Laws of the Wild state that spirits use their Willpower for Physical Challenges, and determine damage by their Rage. In practice, this means that no spirit can ever bid more than 10 Traits in a Physical Challenge, which makes the most powerful spirits only slightly better than a vanilla mortal in a fight. This seems to go against the genre of Werewolf in particular, where battles against powerful evil spirits are intended to be trying ordeals and a major part of the struggle against the Wyrm, and not something that a cub with 3 Physical Traits can probably handle on their own by shifting to Crinos.
To that end, spirits in RAtC will resolve Physical, Social, and Mental Challenges by using their Essence to compare on ties. A spirit's "initial" Essence rating is the sum of its Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower. Spirits that are particularly powerful, old, large, tough, etc. receive ad hoc bonus Essence to reflect this power. The Huntsman of the Wild Hunt, a powerful Jaggling, gets 15 bonus Essence according to Laws of the Wild. Incarna avatars and larger spirits may get even more.
Spirits have the ability to retest Essence one time per challenge. Additionally, some spirits may utilize an Essence for addition retests in the same challenge in place of Rage, Gnosis, Willpower etc, where an Essence is spent in place of one of the aforementioned. At staff discretion, certain powerful spirits (for example Incarnae spirits), may retest Essence more than once in a single challenge. In practice, this means that spirits will tend to come out of the gate very strong, and will become much easier as the expend their Essence in the fight and take damage.
Challenges that target a Temper will still be resolved by comparing to the spirit’s Temper (Rage, Gnosis or Willpower).
Spirit Speech
"Spirit Speech" is not a language. The Gift: Spirit Speech makes a Garou’s words understandable to spirits, but everyone else hears whatever language the Garou is communicating in. Garou with Spirit Speech can understand the communication of spirits, which to others may sound like growls, electrical buzzing, or even a human language that they do not know. Someone listening to a Garou speaking to a spirit using Spirit Speech hears the Garou's words in whatever language the Garou is speaking, usually a human language, wolf-speech, or the Garou Tongue.
Garou are amazingly tough creatures, but there are some things (leaping out of an airplane without a parachute, being teleported into the actual heart of a star, etc.) that even they could never survive. If a character takes enough damage at once, they are reduced to chunky salsa, totally vaporized, or otherwise completely beyond all hope of healing or survival.
If a character takes Health Levels of damage in a single instance equal to 2x(their maximum Health Levels + their maximum Rage), that character is SPLAT!, and no Raging Back or similar survival test will be allowed.
As per the appropriate sourcebook. For additional information regarding Specialized Fighting Styles in general, please see the House Rule on Specialized Fighting Styles. Maneuvers for Talith are per the book.
Talking in Combat
In order to keep combat flowing smoothly, players are advised to limit how much time they spend IC discussing tactics and exchanging information. A character is allowed three words on their turn spoken aloud in addition to normal actions. If all a character is doing is talking, up to 15 words can be said. A character communicating through packlink or other mental communication is allowed a full sentence each turn, but should not be holding talk-and-response conversations during a single combat round.
Tempers (Rage, Gnosis, Willpower)
For challenges involving Tempers, the Temper in question is usually the appropriate retest unless specified otherwise. For challenges that pit a Temper against Physical, Social, or Mental Traits (e.g., True Fear), the Temper should be doubled for the purposes of comparison on a tie.
Totem granted benefits can be used by all pack members simultaneously unless otherwise specified by Staff (e.g., Black Unicorn’s three extra Health Levels).