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House Rules & Rules Discussions / Re: Spirit speech
« Last post by Marc (Admin) on March 24, 2016, 02:40:08 PM »
I share this interpretation, or at least something very similar.  Spirit Speech is about the ability of non-spirits to understand the communication coming from a spirit.  Non-spirits speak to spirits in whatever way they choose or know how, and it is assumed that the spirit will intuitively understand.  Spirit Speech is an understanding, not a written or oral language.  The short of it is that if you are speaking English at a spirit, others will hear you speak English at the spirit without knowing Spirit Speech - they just won't understand the spirit's response.  If you want to avoid eavesdropping or unwanted participants, then you need to find a way to communicate to the spirit that those you're trying to exclude don't know.  For example, using foreign (human) languages.

My take on it:
The write-up in Revised says that the gift enables the Garou to "understand the communication of spirits intuitively." The flavor text muddles it by saying it enables Garou to speak to spirits whether they want to be addressed or not, but the mechanics section only talks about understanding the spirits. My personal opinion on the matter is that you say what you say, in whatever language you use, in a way that the spirit can comprehend it. Then the spirit responds, and if they don't use the same language, the gift comes into play in deciphering their communication.

And in the A-B-C example, assuming English for all PCs, A and B should be able to follow the entire conversation, while C will understand A and B, but not the spirit.
House Rules & Rules Discussions / Re: Spirit speech
« Last post by Travis West on March 24, 2016, 02:30:44 PM »
I am having find memories of when Ariana tried to give a Netspider Calvin as chiminage, all whilst Calvin was blissfully unawares.
i agree.  but i am reporting what RAge staff has said, for the purpose of this thread detailign it all, for you guys to actively deliniate in writing :P
House Rules & Rules Discussions / Re: Spirit speech
« Last post by Berek (ST) on March 24, 2016, 02:24:38 PM »
I think that's garbage, personally -  the gift even says that particularly alien spirits are more difficult to understand, and that banes can be outright painful, but they're absolutely included in the gift.
oh to muddy it FURTHER - i have also been told that even with spirit speech you need ot be a glasswalker to understand weaver spirits.
House Rules & Rules Discussions / Re: Spirit speech
« Last post by Berek (ST) on March 24, 2016, 02:14:24 PM »
My take on it:
The write-up in Revised says that the gift enables the Garou to "understand the communication of spirits intuitively." The flavor text muddles it by saying it enables Garou to speak to spirits whether they want to be addressed or not, but the mechanics section only talks about understanding the spirits. My personal opinion on the matter is that you say what you say, in whatever language you use, in a way that the spirit can comprehend it. Then the spirit responds, and if they don't use the same language, the gift comes into play in deciphering their communication.

And in the A-B-C example, assuming English for all PCs, A and B should be able to follow the entire conversation, while C will understand A and B, but not the spirit.
and now we see WHY we have many interpretations...
House Rules & Rules Discussions / Re: Spirit speech
« Last post by Conor (Former ST) on March 24, 2016, 01:46:46 PM »
Uh...  good point.

I like the idea that somewhere in the world massive misunderstandings have ensued due to misuse of Spirit Speech translation.  But presumably, two people can talk to a spirit in a three-way conversation, which means two people could talk to each other by talking "at" a spirit and listening.  And also, at the end of the day, we're all larping there in English, and the fewer times someone has to stand there and pretend they can't hear something, the better.

House Rules & Rules Discussions / Re: Spirit speech
« Last post by Lars Nielsen on March 24, 2016, 01:43:45 PM »
I guess on a practical level:

Suppose my scene has two characters with Spirit Speech (A and B) and one without (C). A is talking to a spirit. Can B understand either side of the conversation? Can C?
that is my fav version also but it is not hte only one we have used
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