Author Topic: A loving message from OWBN's Coordinator staff  (Read 2280 times)

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Offline Conor (Former ST)

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A loving message from OWBN's Coordinator staff
« on: December 13, 2010, 09:49:14 PM »
The following is a message from OWBN's HC, who likes to start and end his messages in a way that brings to mind whole new interpretations of "Head Coordinator."  In turn, it links to a statement from all coords.  It's been broadcast to pretty much everyone.  Share and enjoy.


Dear <Insert List/Random OWbN Gamer>,

I'm glad we are talking again.  As moments go by and the ticking clock is drowned out by the sound of my breaking heart, I look back on the pictures I took of you while you slept.  I know, sometimes we let restraining "requests" or whatever they call them in the "legal profession" get in the way of our love and you play these little coy games like "changing the locks," screaming "get out of here," and "hit the Head Coordinator with the frying pan."  Those silly games...I miss them.  I also miss the way you looked, when you...

Now that I have your attention...

Your One World by Night Coordinators have come together and agreed to a statement.  Something that espouses the ideals we would like to see perpetuated throughout the organization and a pledge to commit ourselves to them.

There is no proposal for this.

There is no by-laws change, or overwhelming packet here.  Just a promise to TRY and fix things.

Now, I may do things that will irritate people or frustrate them, but this is not going to be my intent, but I was elected to TRY, as were all other Coordinators.  People looked at the Kool-Aid we were drinking and said to themselves, "Damn, that Kool-Aid sure does look mighty tasty."

Drink it or not, you elected us for the Kool-Aid spelled out in our applications.  Those who voted against us or abstained also have something to contribute to the discussion as well, but by agreeing to be a part of the organization, we agree to abide by rendered decisions...not like them, not love them, not take them to a Broadway show and lavish with shiny things. 

We would like to put forth our "One World by Night Coordinator Agreement" and ask that you read it, think about it, and ask what you, as the true power and strength of OWbN can offer to each other...perhaps something similar from STs...perhaps from Council.

This is no proposal.  This is no demand for everyone else.  This is us...making our statement and agreeing to TRY.

Follow this link:

And forward this email to any list, forum, or person you desire to send it to and discuss it, please.



Offline Ryan McKenna

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Re: A loving message from OWBN's Coordinator staff
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2010, 04:24:07 PM »
Right, I'll believe that one when the Russia, the US, China, India, Pakistan, England, France, Israel and whomever else has them give up their nuclear weapons programs.
Ryan "Razor Fang"  McKenna
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