Author Topic: Art Plug - Comissions Open  (Read 2094 times)

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Doves Blood

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Art Plug - Comissions Open
« on: January 31, 2007, 01:05:20 PM »
Hey all.

I'm not going to go on a long, massive, sob-trip here. I'm in need to funds for bills. So tohelp offset it I'm offering small comissions here. I've previously asked the folks in charge if its okay to post this here, as some places don't like "spam" as it were.

Thanks folks for the oppertunity!

Details Follow:

Payment will ONLY be accepted this way:
1/2 due at time of Comission request. 1/2 due upon completion.

Payment forms are accepted in various forms:
*PayPal. Yes, even via Credit/Debit Cards.
*Money Orders
*Cash w/reciept

I do not accept checks. Period.

Copyright Notice:
*The artwork is mine, but the character is yours. Period. I am creating a piece of artwork by your request.

*You give me the right to create the image in the likeness of your character.

*You give me the right to charge you money for the character, only in the form of labor, supplies, time, and other costs associated with the creation of the artwork.

*You give me the right to use said character, in the form of the finished artwork piece(s), as I see fit as long as I do not make a profit from it directly ( by re-selling it, etc ). Example of this included but are not limited to: Publicly displaying artwork as a form of self-advertisment. Putting said artwork in a portfolio collection of works to display my skills to other clients/customers.

*You are given the right to use, distribute, and display this artwork in any way you see fit, as long as you do not make a profit from it. Example of this includes but is not limted to: Using it for game(s), conventions, or other public gatherings. Using it online as an avatar or icon. Using it on a t-shirt made for -you-. Letting a game use it for their Rules or other similar important documents.

*You may not change the artwork without first asking permission to do so. ( Typically I don't care, just ask. ) Example includes but is not limited to: Scanning and editing artwork into an LJ Icon. Changing the color of the artwork yourself. Adding to or subtracting from the image through any means.

*You may not make money off the artwork itself without permission. Example includes but is not limited to: Advertising you get paid for. Letting a game or other organization, company, or group promote itself, and get paid for that allowence.

* You may not allow another to make money off teh artwork with out permission. ( Again I have to put this here, but if you ask.., I typically don't care. ) Examples include but are not limited to: Letting another organization, company or group use it to promote themselves if said collective charges a fee. Letting the company, organization, or group to use artwork as a Logo.

* You may use the artwork as a reference for other artists.

I will restate, that if you -ask first- I'll more then likely say "Yeah Sure". Normally the only thing I request for usages that are "sticky" is a notation, link, or mention that the artwork is mine. Pretty striaght forward. I have to make this public. Its a PITA, but if I don't I can get walked all over. 

What I am offering:
* Form Cards
* Forum Avatars
* LJ Icons
* "Con Badges" (See below. )
*Character Comissions
* Comission Packets!! *NEW*

If you are intrested in Prices before then, check my Lj post.

Offline Taweret

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Re: Art Plug - Comissions Open
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2007, 05:13:54 PM »
ZOMG spam-bot!!!!    /userdelete

*Cackles* Just kiddin'. Good luck.
Taweret 'Ascends the Glass Tower'
Athro Homid Silent Strider Galliard
Beta of 'Curators of the Quiet Road' under Peregrine Falcon