Author Topic: Emmy this week  (Read 1966 times)

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Offline Taweret

  • Emmy Varden, RAtC Charter Member
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Emmy this week
« on: November 04, 2009, 11:00:22 PM »
Just to let everyone know, I've had tech rehearsal all week and haven't been able to get onto the forums as much as much as I should have over the last week. I know that there are threads that are demanding my attention - but the ones that have more meat than 'Alice glares' are too much for my brain to handle at the moment. Feel free to ride my ass about it next week when I've had some time to get some rest. >.<
Taweret 'Ascends the Glass Tower'
Athro Homid Silent Strider Galliard
Beta of 'Curators of the Quiet Road' under Peregrine Falcon