I gotta hand it to Dominic van Bokkelen - he let those charachs have it but good. He sentenced them to die, and led his pack to capture them, question them, and carry out the sentence. He spared their Kinfolk, too, which I call a worthy mercy. I think they were confused, and maybe I woulda given them another chance, but seriously. They killed people and ate them up, plus boinking each other. That's shit's just wrong, and I give Dominic major props for bringing out the Philodox big guns and making that tough call. (++Honor, +Wisdom)
I also gotta talk up Tyler - so what if he's a Corax? Corax need talkin' up, too, and this one really knows his shit. When we were investigating some disappearing people in connection with some shady bus ads, he found some hidden corpses and was able to see what had happened to them, which gave us some seriously useful intel. He fought right alongside us when we busted up their main operation somewhere else, and then after it was all done, he covered for us with the cops and made sure the Veil stayed nice and not-broken. He's damn clever and good at what Corax are supposed to do, and I'd trust him to watch my back any day (+Glory, +Honor, ++Wisdom).