March-April. Note that this format is much more readable in Firefox than IE. As before, suggestions on formatting are welcome.
"Jack" Butch Harrison 4.7-> 4.9 1.0-> 1.2 2.8-> 3.1
Accepting a task from his mentor, honorably challenging an elder, going into danger to renew the caern, meeting the needs of a spirit without breaking the Veil
Aime Norwood 2.8-> 2.9 3.5-> 3.6 4.9-> 5.0
Alexander van Bokkelen 8.0-> 8.2 4.9-> 5.0 2.4-> 2.8
Defeating a very strong Ancestor spirit, being repeatedly chosen as an avatar of Honey Bee, preparing the new caern's heart, taking the needs of the caern totem lightly, successfully leading a quest for a caern totem, sensing the Wyrm's presence in the caern heart, being a calm and stabilizing influence in times of stress
Alice "Turns Back the Tides" 11.2-> 11.3 6.5-> 6.7 13.4-> 13.6
Saving innocent humans, preparing the new caern's heart, successfully renewing the caern
Arianna "Keeper of Memories" Fireau 5.9-> 6.0 3.9-> 4.0 11.2-> 11.4
Preparing the new caern's heart, understanding the needs of a caern totem, teaching Rites
Benjamin 2.0-> 2.1 2.0-> 2.3 0.0-> 0.1
Going into danger to renew the caern, jumping in with both feet in a new sept and helping relative strangers, aiding fellow Garou
Brody "Weathers the Storm" Petrovich 7.4-> 7.6 11.9-> 12.3 8.5-> 9.0
Taking on the mantle of Sept Alpha successfully, saving innocent humans, being repeatedly chosen as an avatar of Honey Bee, successfully leading a quest for a caern totem, teaching Rites
Damien Eneas 1.6-> 1.8 1.5-> 1.6 2.1-> 2.2
Defeating a strong Wyld beast
Dominic van Bokkelen 1.2-> 1.4 4.2-> 4.7 2.0-> 2.2
Defeating a strong Wyld beast, performing undignified tasks for the benefit of the caern totem without complaint, successfully leading a quest for a caern totem, overseeing honorable challenges, successfully managing a successfully managing a pack, preparing the new caern's heart
Garret 9.5-> 9.7 4.1-> 4.3 6.9-> 7.2
Clever use of gifts, continually mocking an elder, fending off a Glorious elder's dominance challenges, applying ancient stories to fix modern problems, sharing tales, saving innocent humans, preparing the new caern's heart
Geraldo "Gerry" Castillo 3.4-> 3.5 1.4-> 1.6 1.9-> 2.1
Sharing tales with other Galliards, doing undesirable work to appease the caern totem, defeating a strong Wyld beast
Lakota "Sings the Rift Closed on Turtle's Back" 9.6-> 9.7 4.3-> 4.4 7.9-> 8.3
Successfully leading a quest for a caern totem, issuing a good challenge to a Cliath, using knowledge well to assist on a spirit quest
Mick "Buries the Wyrm in Paperwork" LaSalle 0.3-> 0.4 1.4-> 1.5 3.4-> 3.5
Owen "Gaia's Promise" Smith 13.2 12.0 6.8
PEBE 12.1-> 12.2 5.8-> 5.9 4.7-> 4.8
Rory "Howls the Broken Wind" O'Rourke 11.1-> 11.2 6.3-> 6.4 4.0-> 4.1
Scrabbles in the Dust 10.3-> 10.4 6.4-> 6.7 12.1-> 12.3
Sacrificing a fetish for the caern, besting a spirit in a riddle contest
Thoth "Takes the Back Door to Find the Heart" 10.1 9.1 9.8
Timo 1.9-> 2.0 1.9-> 2.0 1.9-> 2.0
Seven Mountains 1.2-> 1.3 1.2-> 1.3 1.5-> 1.6
Veronica 2.3 0.3 1.2
Ralin Darkfeather 2.4 2.0 6.5
Note that if nothing was received for a given PC and game, but they attended, you get 1 temporary renown in that category, for "protecting the sept while on patrol," "performing regular sept chores," or "aiding fellow Garou".
Suggestions on improving the report format, or any aspect of how we handle this, are welcome.
"Jack" Butch Harrison 3.6-> 4.1 0.7-> 0.8 2.0-> 2.6 Cliath Defeating a strong Wyrm threat (Prison revel), good use of Call of the Wyrm, failure to warn allies of use of Call of the Wyrm, learning the Moot Rite, protecting Kinfolk
Alan "Frost Fire" Morgan 0.9 5.0 1.4
Alexander van Bokkelen 7.2-> 7.6 4.3-> 4.4 2.0-> 1.9 Fostern Defeating a strong Wyrm threat (Prison revel), serving as Wyrmfoe, ending a threat without serious harm to any Garou, releasing wyrm-tainted humans into the countryside
Alice "Turns Back the Tides" 10.9-> 11.0 6.1-> 6.2 13.1-> 13.2 Athro Protecting the sept while on patrol, performing regular sept chores, aiding fellow Garou
Aime Norwood 2.1-> 2.6 3.2-> 3.3 4.3-> 4.6 Fostern Defeating a strong Wyrm threat (Prison revel), performing regular sept chores, protecting Kinfolk
Arianna "Fucks the Wyrm Over" Fireau 5.4-> 5.7 3.4-> 3.7 10.5-> 11.0 Adren Defeating a strong Wyrm threat (Prison revel), sound advice, protecting the Veil, putting the Nation above personal attachment, passing memories on to a Galliard before losing them
Brian Williams 2.5 6.4 2.4
Brody Petrovich 7.3-> 7.2 12.3-> 12.0 8.5-> 8.3 Athro Inappropriate behavior on the mound, trying and failing to bait a Fostern, teaching the Moot Rite, allowing a challenge to degenerate
Caitlin "Bargains with Weaver" Flynn 1.3-> 1.8 4.5-> 4.6 0.9-> 1.2 Cliath Defeating a strong Wyrm threat (Prison revel), peaceful dealings with a trickster chimera
Chris Townsend 0.2 0.1 0.6
Crunches the Bone 6.4 11.4 10.4
Damien Eneas 0.4-> 1.3 0.4-> 0.9 1.1-> 1.5 Cub Defeating a strong Wyrm threat (Prison revel), singlehandedly scouting a Wyrm pit, following dangerous orders without complaint
Darcia "Trigger" Del Russo 3.1 2.9 2.8
Darien di Sarli 1.8 0.9 4.8
Dexter "MacGyver" Smithe 1.5 1.8 1.8
Ralin Darkfeather 2.4 2.0 6.5
Dominic van Bokkelen 0.8-> 1.2 2.3-> 2.6 1.5-> 1.6 Cliath Defeating a strong Wyrm threat (Prison revel), acting as truthcatcher, aiding fellow Garou
Garett 9.2 3.5 6.5
Geraldo "Gerry" Castillo 1.3-> 2.0 0.6-> 1.0 0.9-> 1.6 Cliath Defeating a strong Wyrm threat (Prison revel), being declared Wise by the Fool, telling a good story at Moot, learning the Moot Rite, running a good Moot
Lakota "Sings the Rift Closed" 9.5 4.3 7.8
Mick LaSalle 0.2-> 0.2 1.2-> 1.3 2.2-> 3.3 Cliath Cowardly conduct in battle, serving as a good Fool, puzzling an Athro Theurge with enigmatic questions, making another Garou aware of their own weaknesses
Owen "Gaia's Promise" Smith 13.0-> 13.2 11.8-> 11.9 6.4-> 6.7 Athro Defeating a strong Wyrm threat (Prison revel), performing regular sept chores, good advice
Patrick "Gaia's_Trojan_Horse" Soloman 9.1 10.2 9.0
PEBE 12.1-> 12.2 7.2-> 7.0 4.6-> 4.7 Adren Protecting the sept while on patrol, acting dishonorably during a Warder challenge, aiding fellow Garou
Robert "Chuckles" Choronzak 2.6 1.4 1.3
Rory "Howls the Broken Wind" O'Rourke 10.9-> 11.0 6.5-> 6.2 3.8-> 3.9 Adren Protecting the sept while on patrol, acting dishonorably during a Warder challenge, aiding fellow Garou
Scrabbles in the Dust 10.1-> 10.2 6.1-> 6.3 11.9-> 12.0 Athro Defeating a strong Wyrm threat (Prison revel), performing the Mournful Howl, aiding fellow Garou
Seeks to Restore the Balance 11.6 7.4 3.8
Shulamith 3.0 2.1 7.1
Staren Stanley 2.2 3.5 2.0
Thoth 10.0-> 10.1 9.0-> 9.1 9.7-> 9.8 Athro Protecting the sept while on patrol, performing regular sept chores, aiding fellow Garou
Timo 1.8 1.8 1.8