Author Topic: The Unpleasant Laws of HSTing: Revised  (Read 2070 times)

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Offline Mike

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The Unpleasant Laws of HSTing: Revised
« on: May 30, 2008, 12:24:24 PM »
Found these on another board so sharing cause I know many of you ST/ Have ST'd ? Will ST

The Unpleasant Laws of HSTing: Revised

The Rule of Power: The amount of involvement and time a non-player character has is inversely proportional to that non-player characters' power.

The Rule of Life: The life expectancy of thy non-player characters shall be inversely proportional to how attached thou art to them.

The Rule of Death: Any character, no matter how beloved or attached to either by thyself or thine players, is a viable target for death.

The Rule of Conflict: Thy world view shall inevitably come into conflict with thy players world view and thy players world view shall inevitably come into conflict with other players world view. Thou must accept that all cannot be pleased.

The Rule of the Perception: Thou must make unpleasant decisions for the sake of thy game's image.

The Rule of Imperfection: Every week, thy game will have contained or done something wrong in at least one of thy players eyes. For every issue thou solve, another shall come into focus.

The Rule of the Chosen: There shall always be a group of people who are considered thy favorites, no matter how true or false.

The Rule of Cliques: Thou must deal with out of character cliques in as swift and just a manner as possible.

The Rule of Three: For every cheese monkey thou slay, three are prepared to take its place.

The Rule of Annoyance: Every game shall have a player that thou hate to deal with yet cannot ban from thy game.

The Rule of Purpose: Thy most important roles as HST are twofold. One: Thou shalt administrate and coordinate thy games mundane functions. Two: Thou shalt listen to thy players' and staff's complaints, honestly, seriously, and without making counter arguments until they have finished, no matter how rediculous their claims may be. These roles outweigh even the running of thy plots.

The Rule of Drama: This rule is twofold. One: Drama will rear its ugly head; despite your greatest efforts. Two: It will be your thankless job to deal with it, every time.

The Rule of Promotion: Thy best players with thy favorite characters shall always be thy best staff candidates. Thou shalt be forced recruit these players and remove their characters from normal play in order for thy game to grow and survive.

The Rule of Communication: Thy players and staff will assume the worst about others based off of insufficient or incorrect information, both in and out of character. Thy players and staff will not correct problems arising from thus without thine influence.


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Re: The Unpleasant Laws of HSTing: Revised
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2008, 02:17:39 PM »
Thanks for dealing with the OOC drama Mike.  (now it's not thankless ;) )

Offline Baron Tarl

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Re: The Unpleasant Laws of HSTing: Revised
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2008, 11:28:53 AM »
Rule of Wrong Way Camillio - The players will inevitably take the complete wrong approach to majority of the plots presented to them requiring you to renavigate them back ont othe proper path.

Rule of Rules Lawyers - One playe rwill believe that they inherently know more about the rules than you do and argue miniscile obscure referances.  ((Guilty as Charged))

And our own rule at City of Sprnigs
Rule of Agg - The dumber the action taken by PC the more it is rewarded with Agg. Eventaulyl after enough characters the players learn what is going on