Author Topic: CoS on Saturday  (Read 2175 times)

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Offline Taweret

  • Emmy Varden, RAtC Charter Member
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CoS on Saturday
« on: March 15, 2007, 09:22:57 AM »
Hey guys! I'm planning on heading down to CoS this Saturday evening. I heard that a few people were also interested in going, so I'd like to get a headcount now and start planning who will be going with who, and who is bringing what character.

Also, as the game is not until later in the evening, I will be attempting to spend my morning in Newport at the St. Patricks Day parade. Whoever would like to go with me for that, is also welcome.
Taweret 'Ascends the Glass Tower'
Athro Homid Silent Strider Galliard
Beta of 'Curators of the Quiet Road' under Peregrine Falcon


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Re: CoS on Saturday
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2007, 08:24:11 PM »
What time are we talking? I have to work at 8am Sun, and don't mind skimping on some sleep

((took out the HF comment, Mike))
« Last Edit: March 16, 2007, 12:04:32 AM by Mikal »

Offline Taweret

  • Emmy Varden, RAtC Charter Member
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Re: CoS on Saturday
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2007, 05:17:24 AM »
I believe that leaving around 5 will get us there on time, and we'll probably get home around... what? 2ish if memory serves me correct?

You can certainly sleep in the back, as long as there is a driver. Preferrably with someone else awake so they have someone to talk to.
Taweret 'Ascends the Glass Tower'
Athro Homid Silent Strider Galliard
Beta of 'Curators of the Quiet Road' under Peregrine Falcon