Author Topic: Torvald is as beautiful as dirt....  (Read 2045 times)

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Offline Eset

  • (Guest) Emilly Beth
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Torvald is as beautiful as dirt....
« on: November 19, 2008, 10:08:26 PM »
To understand why this is true...

and an AIM convo with Sean...

l Spoony Bard l (15:51:40): Is your Metis hitting on a Fenrir?
bluebutterfly453 (15:51:43): no...
l Spoony Bard l (15:51:44): That could be bad.
l Spoony Bard l (15:51:51): KNIFE TO FACE!
bluebutterfly453 (15:52:22): no lol she thinks of beauty differently... ie... she also thinks Dirt is beautiful... so also knife to the face if she said... torvald you are as beautiful as dirt

(then in an AIM to Vance)
bluebutterfly453 (15:53:37): so torvald... guess what... YOU are as beautiful as dirt...
(Vance's aim which I'm not posting): lol   <<<Torvald =>>>>  <<<dirt>>>>

« Last Edit: November 19, 2008, 10:12:36 PM by Coatlicue »
Large crinos claw scars down the right side of her neck onto her shoulder.

When in homid: dressed in blue jeans, black T-shirt, mismatched shoes and a non-descript backpack.

Offline Eset

  • (Guest) Emilly Beth
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Re: Torvald is as beautiful as dirt....
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2008, 10:23:32 AM »

"This Modi will not die, I am too pretty to die. "

Ok... so now Torvald ADMITS he is as beautiful as dirt....
Large crinos claw scars down the right side of her neck onto her shoulder.

When in homid: dressed in blue jeans, black T-shirt, mismatched shoes and a non-descript backpack.