Life's happening. Please place your trays in the upright position and prepare for take off!
School has started with a vengeance. This semester I have found myself as an R.A, taking 7 classes (none of which is a joke), I'm a chairman on the student government board for the reslife committee concerning GLBTA students, President of S.E.E. (Students for Ethical Eating, but as an aside- when we named the group I pushed for Vegetarians that Understand Living Venerable Appetites, or V.U.L.V.A. but the school board said "No") as well as homework, a boyfriend, trying to have a social life, as well as being a programmer for the Pride Center, Tutoring (as my job), and I'm part of the RLH Sustainability Committee.
Its a pretty full schedule. I need time to adjust, so I will be HORRIBLY absent from the boards, and probably several games along the way.
TRUST ME- I'd rather be with you guys than here at the moment.
P.S. When I am rich I will buy a massive plot of land dedicated to larping. Of this I swear...