I'm running a Dead Lands game and one of my players is playing a Mad Scientist who speaks like Hank Hill here are some of my favorites:
"Damnit Preacher! Put down my lightning cannon! How many times have I told you lightning is for the gods and me!"
"This here is my Mass Accelerator, or as I call it, a rail gun, 'cus I use rail spikes"
"I sure did magl that critter"
"Uh, don'tcha mean mangle, Professor?"
"Nope MAGL, M-A-G-L, Mass Accelerator Grenade Launcher"
"I haven't even finished my coffee and that Gambler ain't right."
"I reckon this would be the time I'd cackle madly, but I ain't the cacklin' sort,so I guess I'm just goin' ta hafta shoot ya"
"Fer Christ sake! Oh damnit you made me swear, and swearin' makes baby Jesus cry" draws Mass Accelerator "Time to atone"