Birds of a Feather Murder Together
Alright, alright... I know I shamelessly tell the tales of my fellow Fianna every chance I get. But its my job. They're like my kids. But seriously... Seriously... they earned it this time. I coulda been born their worst enemy, but after seein' what I saw, I'd have tah be mute to not speak up about these kids. Any Galliard would. Eoin... he like... jumped from safety into the fray of battle to fight tooth an' claw, at what appeared to be one of the most ancient an' evil threats Gaia an' her ken had ever faced. Then his sister, without even a second thought jumped right in after him. Those two 'ave got some spirit in them. Then Sebastian, myself, an' Orange jumped right down after them, and the next thing we knew we were thick in a massive battle against enemies with some viciously poisoned weapons. I mean, their attacks were so deadly, a single blow went right through my Luna's Armor, right through any ability to avoid poison an' struck me harder than any Garou claw. They were not fucking around, an' neither were we. Eion- LITERALLY turned his opponent into liquid, an' he moved like liquid. In fact all tha' kids did. Even in my most angered state, The McKinnons, Orange, and Sebastian all moved faster for longer than I've ever been able. I've never seen Garou wield their rage like such a finely tuned spear. I learned a lot from them. Eoin rarely missed his enemies, even though they were more armed and physically his betters. That's how I know that kid's got a strong spirit. Sebastian too. So there we were fighting hard. I myself reveled in the opportunity to jump into an area where I was surrounded by Fir Bolg, to cause as many of them as I could to run in terror. With each enemy we felled, the remaining one's grew stronger and bigger until finally one ultimate enemy remained. A massive Fomorian... with one eye. It fixed its dread gaze at me- an' I withstood it, an' then affixed my dread gaze at it... because seriously... when is a Fianna ever going to get tha chance of using Balor's Gaze on Balor- or at least some spiritual representation of it. The kids moved in, and with one last surge of rage we took down our foe.
I'm hopin' tha' the Morrigu are satisfied now tha' we gave em' a fight, an' if their not... bring it on. Other's might be mad at Eoin for what he did, an' what he put us through, but I can't thank him enough. Its been awhile since I felt truly myself, an' tha' fight did tha' trick. We fought hard, with honor, and wisely fulfilling what a spirit required of us, guided by visions.
(The McKinnon siblings, Sebastian, Garret and Lynn (yes even Lynn) ++Glory, +Honor, +Wisdom)
Oh Brother Where Art Thou
Family's important. Brothers. Sisters. Packmates. Mates. Its one of the few parts of the Weaver I like. The one that bind us to our loved ones. Fabrizzo frenzied on Alice, while she was the Alpha- and I can't blame him. I know what that hurt is like, tah have your sibling taken from you- an' feel like your hands are tied at your sides. I know how close tha' can come to consuming you, especially when you think you've lost them, an' how you'll stop at nothing to get them back.
Well we've got him back, an' his eyes won't open, an' watching the grief upon Fabrizzo's face is like lookin' into a dark mirror, except I don' see myself in it. I see now what Ari went through when she'd though she'd lost me. I almost didn' survive it, an' she didn'. I hope fer better things from Fabrizzo, an' as long as he continues to fight for Gaia despite what was taken from him- he's earned honor in my book.
An' others are trying hard to make new families an' new ties. An' there's wisdom in tha'.
(+Honor to Fabrizzo, +Wisdom to Jack and Benjamin for trying to make new families)
The Brady Bunch: Masha, Masha, Masha
Masha and Damien. Thank Gaia the two of them had visions to help Guide me an mine to glory in combat and solving what was displeasing a very powerful spirit. I don't much care for Damien a lot of the time. He questions orders, hesitates when he's given an order, gives a flicker of attitude when he finally does do what you tell him to do... you know... young Homid. He holds onto a lot of his human side- and someday it might get him killed- just like me holding on to my lupus side might get me killed. I suppose its important to keep some qualities of our birthright... but man is it annoying.
Anyway, that's just an' old Garou griping about kids these days. These kids, that day did a good job, to help my tribe make peace with one of its spirits, an' they've got this griping old Galliard's thanks. Oh yeh- an tha' Tom fella helped too.
(Damien and Masha +wisdom for helpful visions and insight)