Hear me, warriors! I am Magnusson Pays-with-Blood, son of Magnus Bane-Biter, son of Thorsonn Claws-the-Weak, son of Bloody Skull. I am Godi. I am Fenrir. I am Cliath. I am Lupus. I am not Skald, but let my voice have the Bard's Tongue for what I shall say.
Visions from Great Fenris brought me to your mighty Sept. I traveled the narrow sea to greet you. In Umbral water I met the honored dead, who led me to a metal box on the seas. It was filled with Banes and men twisted by Jormungandr. Their silver finished me before I had bested more than one, much to my shame. They did not kill me for reasons I do not know. They put me inside metal string to lick my wounds.
Know that Jack Harrison, deeded Bears-the-Scars-of-the-Stories-he-tells, Adren Skald of the Fenrir, born on two legs, and Arthur Dennison, Fostern Gibbous Moon of the noble Silver Fangs, born on two legs, tore through the metal doors and slew the enemy in glorious combat. Arthur Dennison freed me from the metal web, and we left the floating metal house of Jormangundr.
I owe them my life. I am in their debt. Know that one day I shall repay it. Know more the glory and honor of these noble Garou. Look to them with respect.
+Glory, +Honor to Jack and Arthur