Author Topic: Elections  (Read 4241 times)

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Offline AndrewD

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« on: March 11, 2013, 09:48:41 PM »
Your 2013-2014 One World by Night Elected Coordinators are:
Anarch Coordinator: Geoffrey Combs

Assamite Coordinator: Brad Klinger

Assistant Head Coordinator: Linsey “Echo” Guetrin

Assistant Head Coordinator: Alissa Ammerman

Brujah Coordinator: Dave Lazarek

Camarilla Coordinator: Brendan Ammerman

Changing Breeds Coordinator: Justin Quigley

Demon Coordinator: Robert Beckett

Finance Coordinator: LeAmber Kensley

Gangrel Coordinator: Joseph Sherrange

Giovanni Coordinator: Chuck Farmer

Lasombra Coordinator: Joan Mergiliano

Malkavian Coordinator: Mark Koenig

Nosferatu Coordinator: Mike “Sooper” Belt

Ravnos Coordinator: William Lee

Sabbat Coordinator: Adam Sartori

Setite Coordinator: Jennifer Lee

Toreador Coordinator: Jonathan Gravely

Tremere Coordinator: Alex Rushing

Tzimisce Coordinator: Derek Howard

Ventrue Coordinator: Brian Orlando
I am the shadow on the moon at night
Filling your dreams to the brim with fright!

Offline AndrewD

  • Andrew Devrell
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Re: Elections
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2015, 04:10:40 PM »
Your 2014-2015 One World by Night Elected Coordinators are:
Anarch Coordinator: Bruce Lindsay

Assamite Coordinator: Jesse Ditty

Assistant Head Coordinator: Nicholas Lamb

Assistant Head Coordinator: LeAmber Kensley

Brujah Coordinator: Chris Foster

Camarilla Coordinator: Jeff Cauley

Changing Breeds Coordinator: Curt Goble

Demon Coordinator: Lizz Robins

Finance Coordinator: LeAmber Kensley

Gangrel Coordinator: Luke Phillipi

Giovanni Coordinator: Bryan Card

Lasombra Coordinator: Chuck Farmer

Mage Coordinator: Jason Place

Malkavian Coordinator: Leigh Anne (LA) Reger

Membership Coordinator: William E. Genich

Nosferatu Coordinator: Tyler Ortmeier

Ravnos Coordinator: William Lee

Sabbat Coordinator: Adam Sartori

Salubri Coordinator: Kat F

Setite Coordinator: Stacy Diaz

Toreador Coordinator: Chad Halvorsen

Tremere Coordinator: Alex Rushing

Tzimisce Coordinator: Derek Howard

Ventrue Coordinator: Brian Orlando

Wraith Coordinator: Christian DeBats
I am the shadow on the moon at night
Filling your dreams to the brim with fright!

Offline AndrewD

  • Andrew Devrell
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Re: Elections
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2015, 01:49:21 PM »
Ladies and Gentlemen:

I had selected these individuals yesterday, but had no opportunity to announce yesterday.  The following individuals are your Appointed Coordinators for the 2015-2016 term.

Maja Zaccara
Mark Koenig

Changeling Coordinator:
Eric Lyakhovetsky

Tessa Cauley

Kuei-Jin Coordinator:
Nicholas Bollaert

I would like to thank everyone for their applications, and thank our former Appointed Coordinators in those positions.    Your contributions to this organization are appreciated greatly.


Rojir McCrady
Head Coordinator
One World by Night.
I am the shadow on the moon at night
Filling your dreams to the brim with fright!