Effective this afternoon, By-Laws, Character Creation & Development info, and House Rules have been migrated off of the "website" portion of rageacrossthecape.com, into the newly created
House Rules & Rules Discussions forum, where they are now searchable via the forums search bar. Additionally, this new forum may be viewed by visitors who do not have a forum account, or anyone not otherwise logged-in. In order to post a question, however, a user must be logged-in with a forum account.
Moving forward, each time a particular rule is added or significantly changed, a staff member will publish a post in
House Rules & Rules Discussions outlining the rule, it's implications, and reason(s), if applicable. Upon publication, the rule or change will be also be added to the appropriate sticky post -
Character Creation,
Character Progression, or general
House Rules - at the top of the
House Rules & Rules Discussions forum. Original postings will always remain for reference purposes.
In the event you would like to ask a question or spur discussion of a rule, please begin a post in the
Rules Discussions sub-forum, which has been relocated to the new
House Rules & Rules Discussions forum from
OOC Discussion.
Also, please understand that the information contained in these new postings, was migrated as-is from the website. All of our rules are currently under staff review and are subject to change significantly in the near future. This change is a result of what has worked well in our past, and also considers player feedback on rule search-ability, consistency and transparency from our 2013 player survey.