Just something for mention, if the STs would like to consider it.
In table-top, once a Garou had reached Adren and up, it became more difficult to frenzy and thrall. This would justify the bad ass ahroun elder having a better chance to resist frenzying on the drop of a hat because Joe-Bob said something about their mama. Is there already a house rule on this and if not, how about it?
It was normally listed as Cliath and Fostern had the same difficulty. An Adren had a +1 difficulty. An Athro had a +1 difficulty and needed an extra success to frenzy ( which made it that you needed an extra success to Thrall). An Elder had a +2 difficulty and needed two extra successes to frenzy, moving up the successed needed to Thrall.
Just something to throw out there. If it is not considered, my feelings will not be hurt by it.