umm...I may be reading this too specifically, but I'm still confused about exact times.
Here's Why:
It was said that the time listed is the time that you must wait till purchasing the next dot in an ability, correct?
Don't think of them so much as "Learning Times" but rather "Waiting Times Until You Can Buy Your Next Dot." As long as you have a teacher, you can buy your next dot in an Ability after the "Waiting Time" since you bought your last dot elapsed.
This would logically progress into the fact that I would have to wait 1 month after purchasing Firearms 1 to purchase Firearms 2.
If this is the case, then the actual wait time to get from 1 to 5 is actually 1 year and 7 months.
1 (1 month) -> 2 (4 months) -> 3 (6 months) -> 4 (8 months) -> 5....
That's the end of the progression. Assuming what you have said is correct, it would take 2 years and 5 months to get to a 6th dot instead of the 5th, because the 11 month wait time wouldn't happen until after purchasing dot number 5.
If this progression is, in fact, incorrect...and it is, instead, a progression of:
(1 month) 1 -> (4 months) 2 -> (6 months) 3 -> (8 months) 4 -> (11 months) 5
please let me know, because this would insinuate that you had been taking a month to learn the base ability instead of learning it instantly like the first example. Here the wait time comes before the purchase, not after.
Which is the way the system is supposed to work?
I don't want to seem like a nit-picker or a power-gamer or anything, I am just seeking clarification in something that might affect how I roleplay my character learning things.