Were I God of White wolf, I would remove the Purebreed thingy on the Shadowlords, because in their tribe book, it appears that they really don't give a damn about purebreed at all, so why would purebreed Garou have such a clear advantage.
Then for the Silver Fang, I'd keep it as is, and have my story tellers remember that these characters have technically a three point flaw on their sheet, and when they enter those stressful situations, they chop about their derangement. Given that they have a gift that essentially negates their derangement for scenes at a time, making them spend the Gnosis isn't such a big deal.
Then to the Fianna, I'd let two of those outlined abilities be allowed to go over the usual 5 cap that exists... and do something with that flaw... though we don't do the by the book flaw, because it would be crippling. Auto lose on ties from all roll overs, true fears, and all manner of other gifts.