Auspicial and Tribal elders...
Once upon a time, nobody at Vigilant Light cared about these positions, and they all wen't unclaimed. Characters all seemed to have this mutual understanding that nobody cared to go there.
Then, one day, somebody decided to claim a position and everything changed.
More recently, during the IC info cleanup on the website, I noticed that the Tribal and Auspice elder positions were mostly claimed by characters long gone (at least, as listed on the website). So, I wiped the info entirely.
Today, I added the section back, however I'm only adding positions as I come to find they are claimed. Rather than look for this information in everyone's signatures, I ask that you please PM the staff (or at least me) and I will add your position.
You should probably only notify me about this if your character actually holds a position. Please do not use this as a method of claiming a position, unless you first start a scene
on the Mound, and successfully end that scene with the position.