After some toiling over custom php, the new custom BBCode and buttons for "Pack Link," "Spirit Speech" and "Wolf Speech" have been added to the editor for posts and private messages. The new buttons employ this new BBCode as follows. Note that as with other formatting buttons, you can just type the tags yourself without the button, if you so choose:
Lets say you type something that you want to be over Pack Link:
"This is over pack link."
Now, if you add the "PL" tags at the beginning and end of your text (or highlight the typed text and click the "PL" button on the editor, which will add the tags for you), the result would look something like this:
[pl=]"This is over pack link."[/pl]
Which will result in the final posted text looking like this:
[pl=]"This is over pack link."[/pl]
Additionally, you can (optionally) specify the person your Pack Link is directed to, by typing something after the "equal" sign (=) in the opening packlink tag, like this:
[pl=to Joe Player]"This is over pack link."[/pl]
Which will result in the final posted text looking like this:
[pl=to Joe Garou]"This is over pack link."[/pl]
Thats all there is to it! The "SS" and "WS" buttons work similarly for Spirit Speech and Wolf Speech, respectively. Output in Spirit Speech and Wolf Speech looks like this:
[ss=]"This is in Spirit Speech."[/ss]
[ss=to Joe Garou]"This is in Spirit Speech."[/ss]
[ws=]"This is in Wolf Speech."[/ws]
[ws=to Joe Garou]"This is in Wolf Speech."[/ws]
The associated formatting and coloring is designed to help set these particular modes of communication apart from the rest of the post text so they stand out and can be readily seen for what they are. Hopefully this new standard will take hold over time with continued use of the tags. The coloring and formatting of these new tags is entirely independent of any additional coloring and formatting you apply to the rest of your post.
~ Marc